Friday, May 23, 2014


I am currently ignoring M as he is sulking on the couch. An occasional exasperated sigh keeps escaping him. L is doing just fine, munching away on a waffle while watching Leap Frog Letter Factory for the 40 millionth time. This scenario happens a lot and it is the reverse at times, although L is not quiet in his sulking but rather vocal at the injustice that has been committed.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!"

In my defense it is. M picked the last toonie (our family code for cartoon) yesterday, therefore it is L's turn this morning to pick one. How do I remember this? I don't know. Especially at 5:45 in the morning as I am fumbling for coffee. But it comes to me eventually by the grace of God:) So here we are.

So this scenario prompted me to investigate what God's take on fairness is. There were a lot of verses on this. The old testament has much to say on fairness in terms of judgement, justice, the law and what not. But the new testament seems to have a more humble approach.

1st Peter 3:8

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

James 2:1 
My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.

Matthew 20:16
So the last will be first, and the first last.”

So how do I teach this to my boys and how do I remember this myself when I am having adult "it's not fair" meltdowns? I think the answer is to communicate with my Heavenly Father on it. He is my strength and has sent the Holy Spirit as my helper. Asking for clarity in the situation and believing it will be granted is key. As for the boys, I think reiterating their identity in Him is important. 

"Jesus lives in you and because of this, you want your brother to have a turn. You want to put others first because you have love in your heart."

A lot of times this reminder softens them and they are good to go. Other times it does not. That's when my husband and I encourage them to come pray with us when they are having a hard time. I am thankful for the reminder for me as well, and I ask my boys to encourage me when they see that I am struggling. We are in this together and God has equipped us with much. Thank you Jesus!

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